PTC Accounts Creator + Email Verifier (Bonus: PokeMobBot Compatible)

ScrapperMin - Multi Purpose Account Creator

1. Download below, extract then run ScrapperMinW.exe (NOTE : ScrapperMinW.exe there is W)
2. Select the script PTCCreator.txt where it will load the script and you don't need to care whats its written there unless you are a developer, you just need to fill in the input box 0,1,2,3 and run the script as below explains
3. in 0 box, type prefix example John for generating JohnXXX, JohnYYY, JohnZZZ username where XXX/YYY/ZZZ is randomized string
4. in 1 box, type amount of PTC accounts you want to create, example 10
5. in 2 box, type the password that will be used by all those accounts
6. in 3 box, empty it for now (This is for advance user you can use your own email domain name that catching all emails where emails are sent. If you empty this, it will send to server which is a server I own that will auto verify your PTC account)
7. Click Run
8. Wait for all accounts generated and "Program Ends" statement

Once all account has been created, please wait 30 minutes so that all accounts' email is verified by the system itself, you can close ScrapperMinW.exe anyway)

1. A folder call Bots will be created where you put PokeMobBot's files there
2. A StartAll.bat is created where double clicking this 
3. Folders for each username will be created prefix with John where you input in 0 box, inside there got config folder where auth.json (PokeMobBot setting file) is generated for you with your username and password properly configured.
4. If you don't use PokeMobBot, you can copy paste the username and password from the output box

Why ScrapperMin
Though above is ready made and works as it is without need of knowing programming, but if you have a bit of programming skill, using ScrapperMin is useful for example.
1. You can edit the script and do whatever you want, for example creating script that auto create ptc account that generate setting for other bot (above will create PokeMobBot and you can add to generate other bot setting's file)
2. If Niantic decides to change anything on their sign up system, you can change the script to suit it.


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I mac really excited about Tom Servo and Crow. They are hilarious! Thank you for featuring Hero Lost today. Star Wars will always be a big influence for me. I think Empire Strikes Back was the first movie I ever saw in the theater. Have a great week Alex :) Email Checker
